Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fishing Weekend!

OK.. so we just got back from Southern Missouri after another fun weekend of trout fishing. Yes, we caught lots of fish. Yes, we caught some big ones. Yes, we had fun! JP adores fishing and it's so funny to watch him reel in those trout. The big ones really give him a challenge and we have to be careful in the boat so they don't try to pull him overboard! He still loves to finish each catch with a big 'ol kiss for his fish. Silly boy!

The highlight? or excitement of the trip was the storm system that moved through on Saturday. We dodged some tornadoes that were in our vicinity so that added some real excitement to our day! We had gone into town for dinner since it was storming and we watched some of the rotating clouds very closely so we would know which way to drive if/when we saw an actual twister. Luckily that didn't happen where WE were!

Let's see... how is this for funny? Have you ever thought about what you would do if you are out in a lake far away from your boat dock and your 3 year old decides that they have to poop???? Yes, this happened to us on Sunday evening. We were fishing in an outlet surrounded by only trees and water when JP announced it was time to "take a dump". Ohhhhh.... now what? OK.. how about just dropping his drawers and letting him poop in the lake? No harm in that, right? So he did. Plop! We really didn't see any harm in it and what else were we supposed to do? Let him go in the livewell with the trout? This lake is about 20 miles long and it has had record flooding this spring so I'm sure there have been worse things in it recently. It is also about 40 degrees so it's not like people swim in it, either. So JP went back to his fishing and announced that he had to go again so it was back to it! I held onto his lifejacket while he leaned out the back of the boat to finish his business. It was pretty funny!!!!

That's it for me. I really need to get to bed since it is almost 1am! I'm wiped!


Anonymous said...

Heather, that is hysterical! Definitely one to embarass him with years down the road...


Angie said...

Totally fine when the kid's 3. Notsomuch when it's a female, age 19. That's what my friend did when we were skiing one time! ICK!