Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spelling Bee

OK.. my kid really blows me away sometimes. I mean really... should my 3 year old be able to spell? Alot? We were at Quiznos enjoying our lunch and he started his mini spelling bee.... It went something like this:

"Mom! How do I spell.... Cat?" And I say... "I don't know... can YOU spell it?"

JP: "OK!" Ummm... and he sounds out each letter before spelling. He does this each time with each word. Then: C - A - T ! Cat!

And he keeps going... How do I spell.... Mad? M - A - D

Big? B-I-G
Up? U-P
Sad? S-A-D
Hop? H-O-P
Cup? C-U-P

Seriously... with no prompting. I'll sometimes help him sound out the letter if he's stumped but he went on and on and then said:

How about..... NAPKIN? So I broke it up in 2 words for him: Nap and Kin so he ALMOST got it. He said N-A-P-C-I-N The k's and c's throw him off.

So the grand finale was UMBRELLA. (Where does he come up with this stuff?) He did it until we got to the LL and he said W. MOG. The boy loves his letters!!!!!!

My little smarty pants.


Angie said...

Holy Moly, Heather! That's amazing!

Unknown said...

Heat, he rocks! And LOL at the W in umbrella. Lots of kids do say it with a W sound for awhile : )

Nayanna Arts said...

ok, he's seriously the next Einstein Heather!