Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Words I LIKE: 

  • Love
  • epidemic
  • refreshing
  • coo
  • incredible
  • roll
  • eclectic
  • mystery
  • heaven
  • lily
  • puffy
  • pulverize
  • character
  • enlighten
  • creepy
  • blush
  • isotropic
  • dominate
  • cushion
  • boogie
Words I DON'T like:
  • crotch
  • blubber
  • carafe
  • isthmus
  • neanderthal
  • decay
  • worm
  • cow
  • speculum
  • poach
  • cult
  • ferry/fairy
  • ejaculate
  • custard
  • biggity
  • eager
Notice I left off bad words. :)  Why did I do this? I don't know. Boredom!


Sarah said...

HA! I had to laugh at a few of these. Why am I not surprised that you like "pulverize". ;) And yeah....speculum is a favorite of NO ONE.

Frannie said...

You are a kook Heather! I love the new look to your blog!!