Sunday, March 29, 2009

Let's go sledding! (since we got SO much snow...)

Some cool shots of JP in action. Here he was going over a jump. Click on the picture and you can see his face better... an awesome expression! He loved it!

Snow Angel!
We had fun sledding... about 2 hours of fun! I also got a video of JP doing the jump. That was his favorite!


Gramzy said...

Awesome snow pictures. Hopefully the last snow of this season. His expressions are so awesome! He really did enjoy sledding and the "Jump". Gramzy

Sarah said...

I will (grudgingly) admit that this does look like fun. I, however, am too bitter to enjoy any snow that comes at the END OF MARCH!!!!! Sorry - it's snowing here now and I'm not amused. Not even a little bit.

Aunt What said...

That looks fun! I hope you've had the talk with JP about not eating yellow snow. Thank goodness Jake wasn't around.