Saturday, March 28, 2009

Where's that FOOT OF SNOW???

Alarmists! That's what our weather-people are. Alarmists. All we've heard for the past 3 days is what a MAJOR snowstorm we would be getting. MAJOR! THE SKY IS FALLING! STOCK UP ON GROCERIES! YOU WILL BE STUCK AT HOME FOR DAYS!!!  Come on. Last night when I went to bed the last thing I heard one of them saying was that we would get a dusting, maybe. The others were still promising snow. When I got up this morning there still wasn't any snow. NONE! They were then saying the snow would start around noon but it would be SOOOOO heavy and treacherous. Another weatherman was saying, "These storms have a mind of their own."  Ya think? I wonder if that was his way of saying, "I was WRONG!"

It finally snowed.  Did we get a foot? No. Did we get a dusting? No. We got around 4 or 5 inches. Maybe.  The streets are fine, too.  Stranded? Hardly!

I want SPRING!   Then they can mess up the thunderstorm/tornado forecasts...

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