Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Picture this...

Picture this:

I am in the kitchen going through the mail. JP is in the family room playing the Wii. I hear a "clank" and a "spash" followed by little feet running into the kitchen. JP starts looking around for something, grabs a towel and runs out of the kitchen and as he passes me by he says, "Stay there!"  Did I stay put? Nooooo. He spilled a glass of water on the coffee table and some got on the carpet. Not much and it's only water. How it missed my camera that was inches away from the water is a miracle but I think it's cute that he wanted to clean it up really quick before I saw it.  :)


Gramzy said...

Smart kid, didn't want Mom turning bad on him again. LOL Gramzy

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I love that he was trying to clean it up.

Sarah said...

Awww...that's so sweet! And FUNNY!