Friday, March 6, 2009

Pizza Box Racer!

JP and I got to go the Emporia State University womens basketball game today with Grandma Judy and JP was selected to be in the pizza box race during the media time out. He was so excited to give it a go! And even better.... he got to carry Minsky's boxes! :)

He did great and would have won if it was 1 length of the court but they had to turn around and come back and when JP turned he dropped a box. (Wade dropped one going the other way)  It was hilarious and JP did great and was especially happy that Corky the ESU Hornet raced all the way back with him.

Here is the video I got of him coming back...look closely and you can see JP dropping the box. LOL

We were so proud of him to do that in front of all those people! GO JP!

1 comment:

Aunt What said...

That is cool! What could be better than running with Corky then winning a coupon for your favorite pizza. Good job JP!