Saturday, April 18, 2009

Anniversary Weekend

A few pics from our Anniversary Weekend Getaway!!!

JP and I went on a hike and this was at the top of this giant hill... he wanted me to carry him on my shoulders and that was NOT going to happen! LOL
When you gotta go...
Back down the "hill"...
Nice stringer!

The bumble bee wouldn't hold still for me. :)


Aunt What said...

Looks like fun! Happy anniversary!

Sarah said...

Great shots, Heat! Looks like you all had a great time, even if the trip did get cut a bit short. :D

Cathy said...

Hey Heather! Happy Belated Anniversary. I'm sure JP will love the shot of him peeing outdoors as he gets older. Oh wait, he's a boy. He won't care! LOL

Catherine & Tony said...

Love it! These are GREAT pictures!