Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lunch with WHO?

JP had school today so Jim and I did some work around the house. What else did we do? We went out to lunch. Just the 2 of us. Alone. No little boy with us.  **GASP!**We actually didn't even bring him up until the very end when we were paying the bill and I said, "Isn't it weird to eat a meal and not have to say... 5 more bites! Sit on your bottom and face the front! No ice cream unless you finish your dinner! Wipe your face!"

I don't even remember the last time the 2 of us went out but it was fun!! What made it even better was that it was a spontaneous outing and not planned. :)


Aunt What said...

That's nice to have lunch with your husband! Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend.

Sarah said...

Awww, I bet that was nice. Gotta love alone time, and spontaneous alone time is even better!

Cathy said...

Treasure those moments! They seem so far and few between. Sometimes we forget how to act just being a couple instead of nagging parents!

Nayanna Arts said...

First, too cool for the intimate lunch. That rocks. But I have to say, I'm SO glad you brought up that last bit! MOG, repeating those last few things 3 times a day, EVERY day is starting to get to me. I don't feel nearly so bad now that I know even your sweet JP is a worm in his seat :)