Monday, April 6, 2009

Just busy!

We had fun camping this weekend although our trip was cut a day short due to cold weather. It's not fun to fish when it's 35 degrees with the winds gusting over 30mph! Saturday was beautiful though and we caught alot of trout and had alot of fun riding bikes, playing baseball and eating the trout. And s'mores too!

JP has his last preschool swimming lesson this Wednesday at the rec center. He's moving on up to the big leagues of swimming! He'll be in Level 2 aquatics which is really geared to the 6-15 year olds but he's ready for it so onward he goes! He's excited and is always ready for a challenge. He's mastering swimming on his back so maybe he'll start learning more strokes!

We are hoping that baseball practice will be held this Thursday since it was cancelled last week. The team voted and they will be the Shore Tire Sharks and they will be blue/white or blue/black... depending on the blue. JP took his bat and glove camping and it finally "clicked" as to how to watch the ball so he can hit it more often. The kid was "knocking the poop" out of the ball! We were so proud of him and he really enjoys it now that he can hit it about 8 out of 10 times! GO JP!

Sorry I didn't take any pictures this weekend... the camera never came out of my computer bag. Oh well!

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