Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

BRING ON 2010!!!!

JP and I are excited to be going to the Hatch's house tonight for a fun New Year's Eve party. We'll eat, drink and play games and just hang out with friends. Here's my big question.... Will JP be able to stay awake until midnight????


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Winter Break

Ahhhh... winter break! Well, what's winter break without friends? Clayton came over today for some afternoon fun. Lots of laughter, tag, hide and seek, Wii, wrestling, air hockey.... boys being boys! Harley tried to get in on the action but they were pretty crazy. Silly boys!!! OH.. and don't forget "Secret Spies" with the walkie talkies!!!! :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009


JP went with his dad today to celebrate Christmas at grandma and grandpas so I decided it was a good day to catch a movie! My Mom had mentioned wanting to go so I called her up and I went to see AVATAR with my Mom and Dad. Wow!!! I LOVED it. It was amazing. I loved the story... loved the effects... loved it all! I really went into it not knowing what to expect and I was a little skeptical as I'm not typically a "sci-fi" fan. Well... go see it. You won't be disappointed!!!! All the hype is right on!!!

Oh... so one of the dumb shows I like to watch on TV is TMZ. I have also been known to surf their website as well. I like to read up on some of the celebrity gossip and their soap opera lives. Tiger has been laying low so there hasn't been much on him recently but why do they keep reporting on Jon Gosselin? That guy is just a douche and why even waste their news time?? I just saw a report on my local news about him and how his NY apt was ransacked and a note was left behind with a knife in it. WHO CARES ABOUT JON GOSSELIN??? Ok. Rant over.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!


Wow, it's been awhile, huh? Now that my whirlwind of Jr. League Holiday Mart shows are over I need to make it a habit to come and post here again. No more excuses!!!

JP and I had a lovely Christmas. We are enjoying all of his new presents... I think *our* favorite is the Wii Sports Resort game. We like playing basketball, wakeboarding and swordfighting. He also loves the airplane dog fighting. Of course you can't go wrong with bowling or golf, either! We had our first "White Christmas" in YEARS!! It was beautful but a bit much, really. The first time KC has been in a Blizzard Warning in.... ages??? The snow came down in buckets and the wind was unbelievable. It is still snowing tonight but luckily the wind has simmered down. JP and I had a big day today playing with his loot... building with his Legos, playing games, pinball, reading, and of course... the Wii! Our Christmas was quite different this year but we enjoyed it very much and JP is still a very happy little boy. His gentle spirit and kind heart touches me in so many ways! I am truly blessed to have him!!!

We are looking forward to a bigger and better 2010. We have a birthday party to go to this week as well as a fun New Year's Eve party to attend at a preschool friend's house. We are excited about that! I am also taking JP to the Harlem Globetrotters next Saturday. That will be a blast, I'm sure! He was looking over his Royals 2010 schedule of games that we are going to and was super excited about opening day... April 5th!! Bring on those Tigers! He made it clear that he did NOT like the Yankees or the Indians. LOL The Royals Fan Fest will be in Mid-January so I'm sure that will be a great time... I wonder how many autographs he will get there??? We are going to Florida in March and are very excited to get out of the cold and onto the beach! Can't wait!!! So as you can see we are both looking forward to some big fun ahead!!

Well, I hope to be better with my blogging in the new year... Promise!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!! JP dressed as Zack Greinke (big surprise!) and had a blast trick or treating. He was especially happy that we didn't encounter any masks along the way. We went out early to avoid that possibility. Here is JP in his "costume." Actually... he looks like he does on most days, doesn't he???

Now, on to November!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Birthday JP!

WOW...I can't believe you are 5 now!! Happy Birthday to my sweet boy!

Fun was had by all!

Monday, October 5, 2009

New Phone!

I got to upgrade my phone the other day... got the new Palm Pre! It's LOVE. Such a cool phone with so many neat features! I love being "in touch" with the world in the palm of my hand... the picture quality, music features, apps.... oh, what fun!!! So I took my new phone to the Griefs game on Sunday....

Too bad the Chiefs stink so bad. Is it Royals season yet??????

3 more sleeps until JP turns 5!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Bring on the freeze!

Auuugh! Bring on the hard freeze. The allergies are going strong in this house and I can't wait for some relief! More for JP than for me. Every year at this time the seasonal allergies get the best of him. Well, he's much better than he used to be. Those up all night coughing sessions were harsh... and the gagging and getting sick? Yikes. At least he's outgrown that part, right?

It's birthday party mania here... not only is JP turning 5 but so are most of his friends... all within the next month or 2! We've got 5 parties (including JP's) within 12 days coming up. Gift shopping.... CHECK!!!

6 more sleeps until JP is 5!!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

JP's Last Kansas City Royals game of 2009

What a night for this almost 5 year old!!! You all know how much JP LOVES the Royals. His true passion for the team... such a true-blue fan!! You gotta love his heart, right? Well, we went to his last game of the year last night when the Royals played the Minnesota Twins. And what a night it was.

We got there an hour early to line up at the gate so we would be sure to get the George Brett Figurines they were giving away. We also love to try to catch batting practice and we did get to see the tail end of the Royals practice. Not only that but JP got tossed 2 batting practice balls within 5 minutes. Heaven for this kid. On to the "Little K" we went for some playtime.... JP hit in the Little K, fielded and rode the carrousel. Of course he waited in line until he could ride the bat/ball on the carrousel.... nothing else would do. LOL On to our seats we went...JP doesn't want to miss a pitch! He kept saying, "Come on, Mom! We can't miss "the storm!" That is part of the Royals intro... JP had dubbed it "the storm."

All season long JP has wanted to be on the jumbotron. This was probably his 12th game and he never got to see himself up there. Until this game. Not only was he on the jumbotron, we were told that he was on the previous night in the "Straight Talk" segment with Timmy Scott. Too bad we missed it but we are hoping to catch it on his Facebook page. JP was SO excited when he was on... up close and personal! He was in heaven. Then to top it off he got a tshirt in the tshirt toss. Even though it is an adult tshirt he says it is his "sleep" shirt so of course he wore it to bed last night. I think he dreamed about the Royals all night long.

It's going to be a long off season for this little boy. Can't wait until the 2010 season!!! And it's looking good that one of his favorite players, Zack Greinke, may win the AL Cy Young award for best pitcher. He ROCKS.

So, a professional photographer snapped a couple of pics of JP during the game last night and was kind enough to email them to me. Check out these expressions.... Yep, he's a true fan!

Gotta Love it. Go Royals.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Uh -Oh

We are going to our last Royals game tonight of the year.... but please don't tell JP that. He will be heartbroken.

We've been super busy these past few weeks and my blogging got put on the back burner... sorry about that! JP is loving school and curbside dropoff/pickup started this week. Boy is that handy but it's a bummer that I can't chat up with some of the other moms when we go in. JP is doing so well at school.... he is a reading machine and can pick up any book now and go to town with it and rarely needs help with a word unless it's something like "suspicioulsy." lol He has even brought home a few art projects this year already that I have hanging on the pantry door... he's painted an elephant and a zebra! I know there are others but they hang them in the classroom for awhile. JP also loves going to sunday school at Church of the Resurrection. We have been attending the contmporary Sat. night service but since we are headed out to the "K" this afternoon we'll be going to a traditional service in the morning. Looking forward to that!

Softball started a couple weeks ago and my team is 2-0. I had forgotten how hard it was to run as fast as you can around the bases! LOL Most of my team pulled a quad muscle last week since we are old and didn't stretch before the game. Lesson learned!

I'm gearing up for all of my fall shows... OK City is first on the list. It is JP's birthday weekend so Mom and Dad are going to that one. We had an awesome 1 day show last weekend in Hillsboro, KS. Between that and an open house the night before that Judy put together for me it was a great weekend for the business! Thanks again, Judy! Cindy too!

We went to the Chiefs home opener last weekend. It was alot of fun and JP loved it but we lost. *sigh* Is it going to be a long season or are they just off to a slow start? Only time will tell. I've got a few pics from the game....

In other news... I got my 40th birthday present yesterday from my parents. Something I've been wanting for a LONG time. New carpet in the bedroom!! It looks fabulous. A beautiful frieze that feels heavenly under my feet. I LOVE it! The color is fabulous as well. It goes so well with the new tile in the bathroom and my new bedding.

JP and I are doing GREAT. We are so happy and are moving forward with our lives. I am doing everything I can to better our lives and I think his happiness is a sure sign that we are doing everything right.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Day at the "K"

What a great day for baseball! Grandma Judy came up for the game and the weather couldn't have been better. The only thing that could have made this day better was a Royals win. Oh well... it's not their year. JP doesn't care!!!! We got out to the ballpark a little early and we caught a few of the pitchers warming up and low and behold JP got a ball!!! New pitcher Dusty Hughes tossed him a ball and later autographed it. JP also go our ace closer to sign it, Joakim "The Mexicutioner" Soria. He was super nice to JP. So after the "I got a ball!" excitement we hit the family area so Judy could see what all the hype was about. JP got there in time to see Timmy Scott, the Royals emcee/entertainer doing his "Straight Talk" segment taping.... asking kids questions. Funny, right? So this is JP's big chance! The last thing I told him before it was his turn was, "don't be shy." So, he climbs up to Timmy and all I hear is "I'm in Pre-K!" and he went on and on and on. I don't think Timmy even got a question in. It was hilarious. I have NO clue what JP was jabbering about and I don't even think Timmy did. His facial expressions were priceless. JP was so proud of himself! Of course it wasn't aired during today's game so the chance of us seeing it are slim unless we find it on his FB page. Anyway....

We watched the game, did alot of cheering and of course JP did alot of eating. Peanuts, hot dog, another hot dog that was given to him by one of the cheerleaders during the "hot dog launch" and other goodies. After the game they had the Fun Run so we got to "run" around the outfield and then "Run" the bases. JP did more running that we did. Strict rules there.... Don't go on the grass!!!! It was very cool to be down on the field though. Very cool.

Big fun was had by all. So glad Judy could join us!!! Great memories for sure!

A few pics... JP and Grandma before the game
JP with his autographed ball and his "tough" face. LOL
JP during his "interview" with Timmy. He wasn't shy at all! lol
Mommy and her #1 boy in the stands
JP running around the outfield...
We had a great day. Now I am staying up late watching JP's fireman costume on Ebay... the auction is about to end and it's up to...... $57.57!!! Seriously! I'm anxious to see if the final minutes will take us over the $60 mark. Gotta love Ebay!!!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just Busy!

It sure has been busy around here recently! Busy, but fun! JP and I are doing all sorts of fun things together and we are both very happy. Wow, how I love my sweet boy. We went to church on Thursday evening so I could go to a support meeting. I took him to the restroom before I dropped him off at the playroom and he said, "God is everywhere. I will follow God's words." Yep. He said it.

JP is loving school and of course playing with all of his friends. Clayton came over yesterday afternoon for a few hours and the boys had a big time. Air hockey, toys, wii, outside play... gotta love it!

Today we are going to Lauren's birthday party and then we are hitting the 5pm church service tonight. Looking forward to it!

Tomorrow JP and I are going to the Royals game! After the game he will be able to run the bases... .that'll be cool for him! First time doing that this season as they only do it after sunday games. Will have to remember the camera. :)

Got the bass boat listed on Craigs List! Unloading that would really ease my mind. I just wish I could get someone to realize their priorities and responsibilities. Oh well, I can only control what I do and I know I am doing the right thing for JP and me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Movie Reviews

OK.. so I had some free time and I saw two movies within the past two days!

Last night I saw Inglourious Basterds. Great film. It did have some blood and gore but it wasn't TOO bad. It's a Tarantino film... what do you expect? I enjoyed it.

Today I saw The Ugly Truth. Hilarious!!!! I enjoyed it more than The Hangover. It was very funny and had raunchy moments but nothing compared to The Hangover. I really liked Kathryn Heigel and Gerard Butler too. That guy is charming... I enjoyed him in P.S I Love You as well. Mmmm.

Thanks to the "Girls" and to Judy for going with me!!! :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Dear God,

Can I just tell you how much I LOVE listening to JP's little prayers each night? So heartwarming... the perfect thing to help mend a broken heart.

Last night:

"Dear God, Thank you for pizza, mac and cheese, my plump pillow, my webkinz and my Froggie. And God, thank you for everything. Amen."

I wonder what tonight will bring? :)

Oh, and for those of you who don't know, his "plump pillow" is his Snoopy Head Pillow. He loves the word PLUMP.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Emergency Worker Day!

JP and I went to Emergency Worker Day at the Farmstead today... what little boy wouldn't want to check out the firetrucks and police vehicles??? Here are some pics from today...

First stop... the firetruck!!

This is inside the police water rescue truck. JP thought that was VERY cool. He was checking out the equipment they use.
JP with the dive vest, etc. Big boy water rescuer!
Again, more water rescue info... JP was asking him all sorts of questions.
The police motorcycle.
Posing with the Children's Mercy Lifeflight Pilots.
It was a fun morning! I think every single person we talked to asked JP, "What grade are you in? 2nd?" LOL! He needs a shirt that says, "hey! I'm 4 1/2! I'm only in Pre-K!" :)

Tonight.... Church!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Branching Out

I think it's time to fill a void in my life. That void is church. JP and I met a friend last night at Church of the Resurrection (COR) to check it out, see the kids area where their classes are held, view the sanctuary, etc. I really liked what I saw and was not as overwhelmed as I thought I would be by the size of the campus. Once you are inside it doesn't seem that large. The parking lots (alphabetized, parking attendants) are more overwhelming than the church itself. So, tomorrow JP and I are going to church at COR. I'm going to attend the 5pm service and he is going to be in a COR Kids class for "sunday school." He really seemed to enjoy it there as much as I did. Looking forward to tomorrow! If all goes as planned I am hoping to join a BBM (Building Better Moms) group that is for single moms. They meet once or twice a month on Wed. evenings. Why not, right?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I as I... Not as We

Scroll on down to the bottom of the page to my music and click on Song #1... here are the lyrics so you can follow along. Yeah, it struck a chord with me!!!

"Not As We" Alanis Morissette

Reborn and shivering
Spat out on new terrain

Unsure unconvincing
This faint and shaky hour

Day one day one start over again
Step one step one
I'm barely making sense for now
I'm faking it 'til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch begin again but this time I as i
And not as we

Gun shy and quivering
Timid without a hand

Feign brave with steel intent
little and hardly here

Day one day one start over again
Step one step one
with not much making sense just yet
I'm faking it til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch begin again but this time I as i
And not as we

Eyes wet toward
Wide open frayed
If God's taking bets
I pray He wants to lose

Day one day one start over again
Step one step one
I'm barely making sense just yet
I'm faking it til I'm pseudo making it
From scratch begin again but this time I as I
And not as we

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Pre-K!

First day of Pre-K! JP is such a big boy. He was SO excited to go back to school and to see his friends! He thinks it is very cool to be in the "oldest" class in his preschool now. He loves all 3 of his teachers, too!

All Smiles!
Out in front of school:
Walking into school:
JP and some of his buddies: JP, Ben, Noah and Jake. Yes, the same Ben from the "So I poked him in the eye!" story!!! :)
The boys and their backpacks. They actually made me take this picture BEFORE the other one! LOL!
Looking forward to a wonderful year at Aldersgate!!! The same 4 boys plus Caden even had a playdate afterschool.... McDonalds Playland! And they sure had lots of fun!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Picking myself up...

I'm moving forward. Picking myself up and moving on. Staying strong. I've got motivation. His name is JP.

I'm reading a good book right now, "The Courage to be a Single Mother." It is a good read and offering me a great deal of insight from people who have been through this before.

I'm starting to live a life for ME. I'm doing more things for ME. I'm playing on a softball team and our first practice is this weekend and I am also playing some golf this weekend. Don't forget Bunco.... got that on Monday!

JP is doing great. He starts Pre-K on Monday but had his visitation at school yesterday and met his teachers and visited his classroom. JP is the elephant this year. Always such a big deal... what your symbol is going to be! He is so bright... every day he says or does something that blows me away. He loves to read. He can read any age appropriate book now... even some advanced books. And his numbers? Wow. The kid loves his math. He'll sit in the car and say, "hey mom... did you know that 10 + 10+ 5 is 25??? Did you know that 3000 + 27 is 3027??? When did he start counting in the thousands? I guess the hundreds were too boring. Oh, and don't forget his passion for baseball! We still "practice" every night! He's getting really good at catching pop flies! He'll be ready to go next spring, that's for sure!

So... Me and My Boy are doing good. Of course I have my weak moments but I am strong... and I will move on. Go Me.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Ok, so I lied. Today... I'm not so strong. It's been a rough one.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Wow. It really IS "Me and My Boy" now, isn't it?

How is it possible for someone's whole life to change in 1 month??? Just turn upside down? It is possible. Trust me.

Only the strong survive. That's me. STRONG.

One day at a time.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Season is Over.

I can't believe it! The Sharks season is over. :( Boo Hoo. JP is bummed... and so am I! This is really going to feel strange not having practice every Thursday and games every Saturday and/or Wednesday! The kids had a great season. It is amazing to watch them play every week and see such improvement! Way to go, Sharks!!! The final game was tonight followed by a pizza party!

Pre-Game Pics:
Fielding practice:
Let's go, Sharks!
The whole gang. Trophies! How cool!
What a fun season. Can't wait until next year!