Friday, August 28, 2009

Branching Out

I think it's time to fill a void in my life. That void is church. JP and I met a friend last night at Church of the Resurrection (COR) to check it out, see the kids area where their classes are held, view the sanctuary, etc. I really liked what I saw and was not as overwhelmed as I thought I would be by the size of the campus. Once you are inside it doesn't seem that large. The parking lots (alphabetized, parking attendants) are more overwhelming than the church itself. So, tomorrow JP and I are going to church at COR. I'm going to attend the 5pm service and he is going to be in a COR Kids class for "sunday school." He really seemed to enjoy it there as much as I did. Looking forward to tomorrow! If all goes as planned I am hoping to join a BBM (Building Better Moms) group that is for single moms. They meet once or twice a month on Wed. evenings. Why not, right?


Sissy said...

Hey, Heather! I found you through Sarah's blog (my sister)...I know quite a few people who go to COR and love it there. I couldn't get past the size and go to Valley View UMC which is still larger than I'm used to, but nowhere near as large as COR! Hugs to you...I'm pulling (and praying) for ya'.

Heather said...

Thank you, Rachel!