Friday, August 21, 2009

Picking myself up...

I'm moving forward. Picking myself up and moving on. Staying strong. I've got motivation. His name is JP.

I'm reading a good book right now, "The Courage to be a Single Mother." It is a good read and offering me a great deal of insight from people who have been through this before.

I'm starting to live a life for ME. I'm doing more things for ME. I'm playing on a softball team and our first practice is this weekend and I am also playing some golf this weekend. Don't forget Bunco.... got that on Monday!

JP is doing great. He starts Pre-K on Monday but had his visitation at school yesterday and met his teachers and visited his classroom. JP is the elephant this year. Always such a big deal... what your symbol is going to be! He is so bright... every day he says or does something that blows me away. He loves to read. He can read any age appropriate book now... even some advanced books. And his numbers? Wow. The kid loves his math. He'll sit in the car and say, "hey mom... did you know that 10 + 10+ 5 is 25??? Did you know that 3000 + 27 is 3027??? When did he start counting in the thousands? I guess the hundreds were too boring. Oh, and don't forget his passion for baseball! We still "practice" every night! He's getting really good at catching pop flies! He'll be ready to go next spring, that's for sure!

So... Me and My Boy are doing good. Of course I have my weak moments but I am strong... and I will move on. Go Me.

1 comment:

kathi @ traybella said...

Hi Heather,
I haven't been on your blog in along time. I was thinking of you the other day with some shows coming up and wondering how you have been. Send me an email sometime.....Kathi at traybella