Saturday, September 26, 2009

Uh -Oh

We are going to our last Royals game tonight of the year.... but please don't tell JP that. He will be heartbroken.

We've been super busy these past few weeks and my blogging got put on the back burner... sorry about that! JP is loving school and curbside dropoff/pickup started this week. Boy is that handy but it's a bummer that I can't chat up with some of the other moms when we go in. JP is doing so well at school.... he is a reading machine and can pick up any book now and go to town with it and rarely needs help with a word unless it's something like "suspicioulsy." lol He has even brought home a few art projects this year already that I have hanging on the pantry door... he's painted an elephant and a zebra! I know there are others but they hang them in the classroom for awhile. JP also loves going to sunday school at Church of the Resurrection. We have been attending the contmporary Sat. night service but since we are headed out to the "K" this afternoon we'll be going to a traditional service in the morning. Looking forward to that!

Softball started a couple weeks ago and my team is 2-0. I had forgotten how hard it was to run as fast as you can around the bases! LOL Most of my team pulled a quad muscle last week since we are old and didn't stretch before the game. Lesson learned!

I'm gearing up for all of my fall shows... OK City is first on the list. It is JP's birthday weekend so Mom and Dad are going to that one. We had an awesome 1 day show last weekend in Hillsboro, KS. Between that and an open house the night before that Judy put together for me it was a great weekend for the business! Thanks again, Judy! Cindy too!

We went to the Chiefs home opener last weekend. It was alot of fun and JP loved it but we lost. *sigh* Is it going to be a long season or are they just off to a slow start? Only time will tell. I've got a few pics from the game....

In other news... I got my 40th birthday present yesterday from my parents. Something I've been wanting for a LONG time. New carpet in the bedroom!! It looks fabulous. A beautiful frieze that feels heavenly under my feet. I LOVE it! The color is fabulous as well. It goes so well with the new tile in the bathroom and my new bedding.

JP and I are doing GREAT. We are so happy and are moving forward with our lives. I am doing everything I can to better our lives and I think his happiness is a sure sign that we are doing everything right.

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