Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just Busy!

It sure has been busy around here recently! Busy, but fun! JP and I are doing all sorts of fun things together and we are both very happy. Wow, how I love my sweet boy. We went to church on Thursday evening so I could go to a support meeting. I took him to the restroom before I dropped him off at the playroom and he said, "God is everywhere. I will follow God's words." Yep. He said it.

JP is loving school and of course playing with all of his friends. Clayton came over yesterday afternoon for a few hours and the boys had a big time. Air hockey, toys, wii, outside play... gotta love it!

Today we are going to Lauren's birthday party and then we are hitting the 5pm church service tonight. Looking forward to it!

Tomorrow JP and I are going to the Royals game! After the game he will be able to run the bases... .that'll be cool for him! First time doing that this season as they only do it after sunday games. Will have to remember the camera. :)

Got the bass boat listed on Craigs List! Unloading that would really ease my mind. I just wish I could get someone to realize their priorities and responsibilities. Oh well, I can only control what I do and I know I am doing the right thing for JP and me.

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