Friday, May 8, 2009

So I poked him in the eye...

A little incident occurred at school today. It goes as follows... this is all said by JP:

I went to sit by Ben and he called me a baby.
And then I called HIM a baby.
Then he called me a baby.
And then I called him a baby.
Then I poked him in the eye!!!!!!!
And then he cried... and I didn't know what my teacher said.
I got to a new spot and sat next to Carter and then he didn't call me a baby and he said, "Hi JP!"

The End.

I wonder if Mom will be hearing about this on Tuesday????


Molly said...

Gotta love the logic of a 4 year old... "so I poked him in the eye!"

Aunt What said...

At least it was just a poke and not a "head or gut".

Sarah said...


Mandy said...

THAT is funny! Hunter accidently headbutted me the other and and said "sorry, Mom. No one wins with a headbutt." Thanks, Paul Blart!