Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Football Clinic

A mini football clinic was held this afternoon at Stilwell Elementary school for K-2nd graders. Yes, I know JP is only 4 and is still in preschool but I told Muffet I would help out with the pictures and run to get all of the 8x10 photos printed during the clinic so the kids could get the autographs of the retired Chiefs players who put on the clinic.  JP and I had ordered some Stilwell Football jerseys with our names on the back since Muffet was the organizer of the event so we have matching #73 jerseys. Since they are authentic I'm going to have to beg Grandma Judy to shorten mine. Alot. JP can grow into his. LOL He had a big time watching the big kids but even got to participate a little. 

Here he is with Shawn Barber and Billy Baber:
JP running the 40. That was funny!
Why did he choose #73??? Because "that is a big number and I will need a big number since I'll be tackling everyone when I play in highschool."   So I picked 73 too so we would match. :)

My little sportster just cracks me up. And he was not happy about having to go to bed tonight without being able to watch any of the Royals game, either.


Gramzy said...

It is so amazing how JP loves every sport, swimming, BB, baseball,football, bowling, etc. Do you know which one is his favorite? Gramzy

Sarah said...

What a riot! That jersey is ENORMOUS on him! :D I just can't wait for the kid to discover hockey. ;)