Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Leaf Pile

Sorry I've been slacking in the blog dept but I've been super busy with work/travel. So.. here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. JP had a ball playing in the leaves yesterday.

Scary boy in the willow tree. Click the pic to see the true furrowed brow.
These next 3 are out of order... they post in reverse as to how I upload them and I can't remember that. LOL

This one has got to be one of my favorites of JP... ever. Too bad the shadow from the tree is in his face but I love LOVE his expression here... and the glint in his eye.

Bury me, Mom!

Watch out below!

Doing some handywork... besides Molly, does anyone need a handyboy?

There.... I got a post in. I promise I'll try to do better!


Gramzy said...

Not very often can one play in the fallen leaves in short sleeves in Nov. Great pictures, as usual!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE send him here. He would have fun with our three GIANT silver maples... And I bet Eleanor would jump in the leaves with him! She is not the best at the actual raking. Seriously, though, that is one adorable boy you've got!

Sarah said...

I love those pics, Heather. JP is such a fun kid! :D