Friday, September 26, 2008

Where on earth???

I took JP to school this morning and we were waiting in line for curbside drop-off so we say our goodbyes ahead of time so we don't hold up the line when it's time for JP to hop out. Our converstaion went something like this:

Me: OK, JP! I hope you have fun today! Give me a kiss!
JP: OK! *smack* Now I want to kiss your nose.
Me: Awww! Ok!
JP: *smack*

Then he sticks his tongue out and says:
JP: Let's lick tongues!
Me: *gasp!* No, JP. You don't lick tongues with people. You just kiss with your lips.
JP: OK. I just lick suckers, right?

Where did that come from????????


Aunt What said...

what are him and froggy watching when your not around!!?? Sure...Noggin.

Heather said...

MAX AND RUBY!!!! It's them. I knew it!