Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Snippets from Roaring River

Just a few funnies that were said/done while at Roaring River this weekend....

JP ate 3 1/2 trout in one sitting on Sunday. Yep... we made crispy fish and he ate 7 whole filets which equals 3 1/2 trout! He ate more than we did!

We would drive over to the hatchery at night to feed the trout and I drove with JP, Jim and Jake in the bed of the pickup and the whole time driving over there JP would yell, " MOM! Where's the fire? MOMMMMM!!!!" NO, I wasn't speeding. I'm sure Daddy put him up to it.

While driving home Jim and I like to tease and poke/pinch, etc. All in good fun, I promise. Jim playfully hit my shoulder and JP was in the back and reaches up and pats me on the shoulder and says, "It's OK, Mom. It'll be OK. Daddy! Stop hitting Mom!" LOL!!!!!!!!

We camped in spot #8 and we would send JP on pedaling excursions on his bigwheel. We'd tell him to pedal to #10 and come back and he would. By the end of the weekend he was racing to #15 and back.... all by himself! He used to always want one of us to walk with him but he's branching out. These slots are really spread out, too. It's not like he was 100 yards away. We'd keep our eyes on him though and he's really good about getting into the grass if/when he'd see any vehicles coming and going. I think he got about 3 miles clocked on the bigwheel this weekend.

Sorry... I didn't get many pics... just a couple of JP in the camper.

1 comment:

Frannie said...

O M G! He's hilarious. And apparently very hungry! Love the stories from the trip!