Monday, June 1, 2009

Really, I'm not lost.

Really! No, really! I'm not lost... I'm here! Just busy. Baseball, golf, baseball, baseball, baseball, work, baseball..... oh, and of course Facebook. Darn Farm Town app! LOL

So here I am and here are a few pics from last Friday's tailgate/Royals game!

Kate, Me and Jim

Kate, Me, Jim and JP being goofy
Kate, Grandma Judy and JP
Kate at the game... we were WAY up there!
JP's individual shot from team picture day. I had to take a pic of the pic but it's too cute to pass up!
So, it's been busy in the Moore house. Let's see... this week we have 3 baseball games in 4 days and also have baseball camp Mon/Wed/Fri this week and next week. Oh.. .and the pools have opened. We need to go. Soon. JP wants to swim in every pool he sees.

Last week I played golf in a 3 day tourney and we won the championship flight. Gotta love it. It was nice to see some of my old friends from the club. MOST of them were friendly. Most of them. 

So.. there's what has been going on! Afterall, it's summer! We're supposed to be busy, right?

1 comment:

Aunt What said...

Sounds busy! I'm with you, our calendar in June is nuts. The pics from the game are cute. Your "daughter" looks just like you! Thanks for taking her. She had a great time hanging with you guys.