OK.. so I've been a lame blogger this week! Most of you have Facebook so you catch up with me there if you aren't on the Patch so it's not like you haven't heard from me at all, right?
OK.. a recap!
1. My jacuzzi bath was heavenly. It felt SO good! Have I take another one since that night? No... but I will. Soon.
2. The boys went out to breakfast yesterday at Mom's Kitchen while I ran some errands and then we met up for some bowling! Yes, the real kind. Jim actually beat me in both games. I do better on the Wii. ;-)
3. I baked a pie yesterday! Yes, you read that right. A pie. A choc chip cookie-like pie. It's yummy! Kate... there's some left so you can try it tomorrow or we'll take it with us on our trip.
4. I got to be the snack volunteer at school today. So fun! I love to see JP in action and he's always so happy to have me there. Awwww. He's really been throwing out the "I Love You's" recently too. LOVE that. Such a sweet kid.
What else....
5. I have been hitting a wall every day around 3:30 or 4pm. I just feel wiped out at that time. I always get a 2nd wind though so then I'm up until midnight doing things like race on the Wii or type on my blog! LOL
6. We are going to the lake tomorrow! WOO HOO! Kate is coming with us and we are SUPER excited about that. It's going to be so fun and the weather is looking perfect! Mid-upper 70's Mon-Wed... NICE! I see alot of boat action in our future! We'll be swimming too... but it's an indoor pool.
7. Jim and I are officially members of Metcalf Ridge Country Club. Yep... a new golf membership. Before you *gasp* keep in mind that we only have to pay $10/month to belong. YES! I need to have my GHIN number active somewhere so I can play in some Invitationals with my friends and this will be perfect! We can only play after 10am each day with this "cheap" membership but who cares??? There isn't a pool... or a restaurant for that matter but it's a nice golf course and there's a snack bar. What else do you need? Oh.. beer. There is that, too. (for Jim, not me!)
8. Our family friend is about finished with our taxes and I am sure we are getting a refund! Nice. It will all go towards our property taxes that are due in May but still.... nice!
9. Jim is going to take Jake to JP's school on March 27th for "Pet Day." Jake only listens to Jim and will do "tricks" so I know he will be a big hit. JP tries to get Jake to sit, fetch, come... and Jake looks at him like he's nuts and then just looks at Jim for a command. too funny. The kid tries, though!
10. It's Spring Break week! YAY! Hope everyone has a great one and a HAPPY St. (James) PATRICK'S DAY!!!!