What a great day for baseball! Grandma Judy came up for the game and the weather couldn't have been better. The only thing that could have made this day better was a Royals win. Oh well... it's not their year. JP doesn't care!!!! We got out to the ballpark a little early and we caught a few of the pitchers warming up and low and behold JP got a ball!!! New pitcher Dusty Hughes tossed him a ball and later autographed it. JP also go our ace closer to sign it, Joakim "The Mexicutioner" Soria. He was super nice to JP. So after the "I got a ball!" excitement we hit the family area so Judy could see what all the hype was about. JP got there in time to see Timmy Scott, the Royals emcee/entertainer doing his "Straight Talk" segment taping.... asking kids questions. Funny, right? So this is JP's big chance! The last thing I told him before it was his turn was, "don't be shy." So, he climbs up to Timmy and all I hear is "I'm in Pre-K!" and he went on and on and on. I don't think Timmy even got a question in. It was hilarious. I have NO clue what JP was jabbering about and I don't even think Timmy did. His facial expressions were priceless. JP was so proud of himself! Of course it wasn't aired during today's game so the chance of us seeing it are slim unless we find it on his FB page. Anyway....
We watched the game, did alot of cheering and of course JP did alot of eating. Peanuts, hot dog, another hot dog that was given to him by one of the cheerleaders during the "hot dog launch" and other goodies. After the game they had the Fun Run so we got to "run" around the outfield and then "Run" the bases. JP did more running that we did. Strict rules there.... Don't go on the grass!!!! It was very cool to be down on the field though. Very cool.
Big fun was had by all. So glad Judy could join us!!! Great memories for sure!
A few pics... JP and Grandma before the game

JP with his autographed ball and his "tough" face. LOL

JP during his "interview" with Timmy. He wasn't shy at all! lol

Mommy and her #1 boy in the stands

JP running around the outfield...

We had a great day. Now I am staying up late watching JP's fireman costume on Ebay... the auction is about to end and it's up to...... $57.57!!! Seriously! I'm anxious to see if the final minutes will take us over the $60 mark. Gotta love Ebay!!!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!