Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

A message from J.P. : 

Friday, November 14, 2008

I am thankful for........

At school they are talking about November and it being the month when we celebrate Thanksgiving and what that means. Last night JP told Grandma what he was thankful for...Here is the list as he dictated it!

From J.P.

I am thankful for:

1. Teachers
2. Daddy
3. Mommy
4. Trash truck (his tonka toy)
5. Jake
6. Noisy Monster Truck
7. Dump Truck (his gator)
8. My Music
9. Hissy (snake Webkinz)
10. Slip n Slide
11. Grocery Store
12. Name of J.P.
13. Ambulance (another tonka truck)
14. Grandma Judy
15. Trouble (game)
16. Helicopters (tonka)
17. Uncle Steve
18. Aunt Kat
19. Spraying Hawk with the hose (at Aunt Kat's/Uncle Steve's house)
20. Steve Trout Hat (Tbones)
21. Tony Gonzalez Shirt (Chiefs)
22. My friends.. Hayden and Carter

He's got alot to be thankful for! I'm thankful to have HIM. :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I took JP swimming today at the gym and when we were finished he announced that he was HUNGRY so I thought I'd get him some ice cream at Dairy Queen. He LOVES oreo so I thought a blizzard would be a nice treat. I ordered his Oreo Blizzard and heard this:

"MOM! I want oreo ice cream! Not an oreo lizard!!! George died... remember?"

I had to explain that I ordered a BLIZZARD, not a LIZARD. LOL!!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Leaf Pile

Sorry I've been slacking in the blog dept but I've been super busy with work/travel. So.. here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. JP had a ball playing in the leaves yesterday.

Scary boy in the willow tree. Click the pic to see the true furrowed brow.
These next 3 are out of order... they post in reverse as to how I upload them and I can't remember that. LOL

This one has got to be one of my favorites of JP... ever. Too bad the shadow from the tree is in his face but I love LOVE his expression here... and the glint in his eye.

Bury me, Mom!

Watch out below!

Doing some handywork... besides Molly, does anyone need a handyboy?

There.... I got a post in. I promise I'll try to do better!