HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet boy! I can't believe you are 4 years old. Where does the time go? All we can do is cherish every moment and look forward to making more memories!!!
I wanted to document JP's birthday with pictures. I uploaded these and they somehow posted in the wrong order so the first pics are tonight and they go back through the day to the morning...
Presents! Look at this, daddy.

Blew them out in 1 try. Look who's lurking in the background.

An unexpected surprise this afternoon. The firemen were checking the hydrants on our street. JP beelined 2 houses down the street, barefoot, to catch up with them and to oogle over the truck. Of course they got a kick out of the boy that was jumping up and down and beaming from ear to ear so they let him climb in, drive, honk, turn on the lights, etc. He LOVED this!!!!
I'm 4! today!!!

My mom gave him a framed "Phelps" poster. He loves it and it's up in his playroom. The funny thing is this morning when we were in the waiting room at the dentist JP asked if "Phelps" went to the dentist too. LOL

First phone call of the day from Aunt Kat!

I did it! I let the dentist look at and count my teeth... look what I got! A snake and a toothbrush!

"Conducting" the orchestra at Shore Tire. He loves to conduct. Bravo, Maestro!

A little TBall this afternoon... a beaufiful day!

Up close.. click on the pic to see his cute freckles on his nose.

The end! JP had a great day... and so did I!!!!