Thursday, July 31, 2008
Of course right afterwards JP kept saying that he was going to be Spiderman for Halloween and wear a mask and trick or treat with daddy. STAY TUNED!!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I love you too.
I was putting JP to bed tonight and said, "Good night, JP. I love you!"
JP: "I love you too."
Me: "I love you more than anything in the whole world!"
JP: "I just love my Fodder. I love him the most... he's my buddy."
Me: "What about me?"
JP: "Just my Fodder, my buddy."
He really is a Daddy's boy!
Well... at least I got the "I love you too" early on! LOL It still made my heart smile!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
What do we do at Roaring River?
Puzzles are fun! (JP loves them and he's mastered the 24 piece puzzles.. time to move up!)

Goof around with Daddy:

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Zero Sleeps!
We're outta here! Have a great weekend everyone! Be back Tuesday...
Friday, July 25, 2008
Upside Down
A couple silly pics:
Look at me! LOL This is what JP likes to do on our couches... headstands! Silly kid.

Here daddy... "SHARING IS FUN!" Yes.. said by JP. I think Jim got the short end of the stick on this one and now he has finger smudges to clean off of his sunglasses.

Hey JP... which do you like better: catching trout or eating trout?
JP: EATING TROUT!! Yumm, yumm, yumm.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Spider Who?
Tonight when I put JP to bed I got my goodnight kisses and was told: "Mommy... you can leave now. Go downstairs and watch TV on the couch with my Fodder." LOL! Yes, he says FODDER instead of FATHER. It sounds hilarious.
The Song
"Watching You", Rodney Atkins
Driving through town, just my boy and me
with a happy meal in his booster seat,
knowing that he couldn't have his toy 'til his nuggets were gone.
A green traffic light turned straight to red
I hit my brakes and mumbled under my breath,
His fries went a-flyin' and his orange drink covered his lap.
Well then my 4 year old said a 4 letter word...
it started with "S" and I was concerned
So I said Son, now where'd you learn to talk like that?
He said,"I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool?
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you and eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.
We've got cowboy boots and camo pants, yeah we're just alike, hey, ain't we dad...
I wanna do everything you do..... so I've been watching you."
We got back home and I went to the barn
I bowed my head and I prayed real hard. Said Lord please help me help my stupid self.
Then this side of bedtime later that night
Turning on my son's Scooby Doo night light,
He crawled out of bed and he got down on his knees.
He closed his little eyes, folded his little hands
and spoke to God like he was talking to a friend,
And I said, Son... now where'd you learn... to pray like that?
He said I've been watching you, dad, ain't that cool?
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you and eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.
We like fixin' things and holding momma's hand,
yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we bad...
I wanna do, everything you do.... I've been watching you.
With tears in my eyes I wrapped him in a hug
and said my little bear is growing up.
And he said but when I'm big, I'll still know what to do...
'Cause I've been watching you, dad, ain't that cool?
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you and eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.
Then I'll be strong as superman. we'll be just alike, won't we dad?
When I can do... everything you do... because I've been watching you.
Yep.. this song gets me every time. Love it.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Today has been good too. I guess he was just worn out! I'm shocked that he's needed 3 naps in a row but hey... camping is tiring! We went to a playdate today with 3 of his classmates from school at the pool. After 4 hours of swimming he's pretty tired so he's relaxing while watching some Tom and Jerry and I'm going to work on some of those boxes!
Tomorrow he gets to go to camp at the gym. Preschool adventure days: Ocean Animals. It runs from 9:30-12 so I'm sure he'll have fun!
Roaring river this weekend... only 3 more sleeps!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Where do I start?
Who's up for some pricing????? UGH. Which box should I open first??? So I came inside and JP wasn't in the family room anymore. Where could he have gone? Uh oh... our bedroom doors were closed. I opened them to find this:
Think he's tired? I'm not going to let him sleep too long because he's already "off" with his schedule since he's been up late and up early. Plus he needs to eat his dinner! He requested pizza before he went to sleep. :)
OH... and I see you all reading so please leave some comments! THANKS!! :-p
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Beetle Tree
Check out our monkey!

My sweet monkey.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
What did you do, JP?
JP: I made Ava cry.
Us: You did? Why? What did you do?
JP: I pulled the yellow chair and she fell off and cried.
Us: Why did you do that?
JP: Ummm.. I pulled the yellow chair and she cried.
Us: What did the teachers say?
JP: She gave her a kleenex.
Us: Was it an accident?
JP: Yes, it was an accident. I just pulled the chair.
Jim: You need to be careful because you are bigger and stronger and you don't want to hurt your friends.
JP: I know. It was an accident.
So of course we envision him pushing her or something like that and I knew that if there was an "incident" the teacher would have told me when I picked him up. So today I asked the teacher about it and like we thought... the kids mess around on the chairs and JP was pushing the yellow one and Ava fell off. No big deal. They just play like that and I guess Ava was having an "off" day anyway and this was about the 4th time she had cried.
Phew. JP has always been the "gentle giant" and I can't imagine him intentionally doing anything like that. Today he said that Jake cried but I don't know why. LOL
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
About JP... coming from JP
"I'm much bigger than the door, Mom."
"I want to be Spiderman for Halloween. I'll wear a red and blue mask with eye holes."
"I want to go camping. 1 more sleep!"
"Is George (lizard) going to turn into a turtle? Is he going to hide in his shell?"
"It was a bad day at school because someone took Noah's man."
"I'm in the piece of furniture. It's a dangerous job." (he was under the office chair)
Jim just called.. JP is talking to him:
"Hi Daddy! Are you at work? Here's Mom!"
"Mommy... will you please read this book to me, Please? PLEEEASE????"
Better run!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008
JP's Library

He got some good reading in today. ;-) Add the iPod dock playing loudly so I can hear it where I was working to the mix and between the 2 of us we made a pretty good mess! Now I need to come up with something for dinner!
For the record... the bathroom is THIS close to being finished! The shower door is being installed tomorrow!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Thanks, Maria!

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Rainy Day Pics

I did get the 3rd car garage all cleaned out this morning... I think the shopvac is full. Gross! It's all organized and there is room for my merchandise! YAY! JP and I ran a couple of errands and he wanted pizza for lunch (surprised?) so we went to Pizza Shoppe. The kid ate 5 pieces. How is that even possible??? He told the waitress: "My compliments to the chef!" LOL
Friday, July 11, 2008
What did you say?
"Pipe down, Mom! Quit talking."
I guess since he thinks he's such a big boy he can act like one. You won't believe what he did today at the pool at the gym. He went down the mega waterslide! I can't believe it! He went down the "slow" one but still... you have to go up alot of stairs to come down!
Last night he was a monster truck after his shower. He wasn't spinning donuts he was "spinning marshmallows!" LOL!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
3 boys = tired Mommy
Clayton, JP and Joshua... Look closely at JP's gun. I told them to PRETEND and not shoot at the camera. He didn't listen!
The 3 boys again:
Joshua squirting JP while JP slides:
Clayton, JP and Joshua without their MEAN faces:
Clayton on the bigwheel and Joshua driving JP in the dump truck:
Muffet came and got her boys and Jim got home and wanted to fish over at the club so we climbed into my truck and off we went! JP konked out on the way over... who wouldn't? We somehow mangaged to wake him up when I picked up our takeout from the club and we ate on the boat out on the lake and did some fishing. Now both boys are sleeping and I'm posting!
OH... and what did Muffet say when I asked her if she wanted 3 boys instead of 2??? " If I had 3 I think I'd have to kill myself." LOL!!! (Said in FUN, of course!)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008
2024 Olympics?
So fast forward to today. We took him to the pool since it was so hot and he did so much more today than ever before! I don't know if it was because what he was watching last night or because Jim was with us (or both?) but he did great. The highlight? He jumped off the diving board all by himself... well... about 10 times until the lifeguard said he couldn't do it anymore since he had his swim-training vest on. Not cool! He loved it. He also proceeded to swim with his face in the water (taking breaths as he went) back and forth from us to the wall and he even tried to swim without his vest but he couldn't quite keep himself up. We gave him lots of credit for trying though! We even removed 2 of his panels from his vest so he doesn't have as much keeping him up.. he's doing the work. GO JP!
OK... back to the blueberry muffins. I'm baking a batch with my fresh Michigan blueberries! Yumm!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
We're Finally Home!
We had a great time in Michigan. We had a wonderful time on the 4th... we went to a parade, cooked out hotdogs, swam in the lake and watched fireworks from the boat until about 11pm! JP did fall asleep around 10:30 though. How he slept through the noise is beyond me but he had fun watching the "firework crackers!" His color commentating was pretty entertaining but we knew he was about to fall asleep when all of a sudden he was quiet as a mouse. LOL
Not only did JP get to GO to a parade but he got to BE in one too! We were in the Lawton parade on Saturday. Jim, JP and I sat in the back of Dad's 1965 Chevy pickup and threw candy to the kids on the parade route. JP thought that was lots of fun but most of his candy didn't make it to the sides of the streets but I know the kids got it all anyway. We were concentrating on holding onto him as Dad isn't always the smoothest on the clutch. It was hot but fun!
JP got to drive a race car on Thursday. Not a real one but a go-kart racecar and he didn't crash it once! He thinks he went fast but we beg to differ.
By the end of our trip JP was jumping into the middle of the lake from the front end of the pontoon boat. I think he's starting to grow some gills!
OK.. I'm really tired but there's a quick update for those of you who have been checking in while we were gone... Kat! Grandma! Angie! Sarah! LOL We only had dialup in Michigan and I just don't have the patience for that anymore.
More later!